Traffic analysis zones boundaries in the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) area and associated data.
This object contains traffic analysis zones (TAZ) sourced from the 2016 Transportation Tomorrow Survey (TTS) in the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH) area.
A simple feature class (sf) polygon object containing 3764 rows and 10 variables; each row represents a unique TAZ with associated features.
- GTA06
Unique ID of the traffic analysis zone (TAZ).
Area of TAZ in units of km^2.
Retrieved from the ggh_pd object. It is a unique ID corresponding with the greater region that each planning district (PD) is part of so filtering and analysis, by PD, is simplified.
Retrieved from the ggh_cma object. It is a unique identifier for each census metropolitan area (CMA)/census agglomeration (CA). Within, filtering and analysis that can be easily linked to the census data, is simplified.
- workers
The number of full-time workers in the TAZ.
- jobs
The number of full-time workers who declare their typical place of employment in the TAZ.
- LTGO_split
The percentage of full-time work related trips made from that origin to that destination using local transit and/or GO transit (regional transit) as a primary mode.
- W_split
The percentage of full-time work related trips made from that origin to that destination using a bicyle as a primary mode.
- BC_split
The percentage of full-time work related trips made from that origin to that destination by walking as a primary mode.
- geometry
The sfc polygon geometry (boundaries) of the TAZ.
"2016 Transportation Tomorrow Survey" from Data Management Group accessed November 14 2021.